Arcane Fighters: New Heroes to Battle!!!!! 6/3/2018

      Hello viewers, it's been a while since my last time posted some news. These new heroes from the Terrors of the Seas theme has arrived!!!!! Let's check them out one by one:

"Water Princess is so helpful with the Magic Training, someday I will become her royal guard!"

Lord Pirate: Sea Captain
HP: 12
DMG: 4
Red Sword, Deluxe Cutlass: Counterattacks Regardless

      First up, it is Water Princess's close friend "Lord Pirate!" He's finally joining the arena, his blade is not just any cutlass, it can blow his enemies away!

"Ever since I died from the Necromancer's Battle, my power lives on!"

Legendary Wizard: Ghost Legend
HP: 10
DMG: 4
Blue Magic, Storm: Foe can't counterattack

      Next up, the Legendary Hero of Arcane himself "Legendary Wizard" well a ghost version. After he died from a fight, his power lived on and he is back to help Arcane once again. This time, he can summon some stunning Storm clouds that paralyses his foes!

"My master is awesome, he even made this special blade for me!"

Rowan: Wonder Student
HP: 10
DMG: 4
Red Sword, Diamond Brand: When Foe attacks, absorbs 2 DMG then reflect back with that DMG

      Lets not forget about Legendary Wizard's student "Rowan!" He is somewhat inexperienced, but the blade he wields grants him the technique to negate few damage and retaliate it back at his foe that deals 4+2 DMG!!!!!

"Meta Knight, he ruined everything. He must be destroyed!"

Dark Meta Knight: Fallen Star Warrior
HP: 14
DMG: 3
Red Sword, Dark Galaxia: Counterattacks Regardless

      Last but not least, it's Dark Meta Knight. He seeks revenge against Meta Knight and the star warriors, he will not rest until they are destroyed.

      That is all for this blog post, see you all next time.
