Arcane Fighters: New Heroes to Battle!!!!! 4/30/2018

      Hello readers, today I am going to reveal the new sets of heroes that some of them appeared in Arcane Stories Season 2 Episode 2. Let's check them out:

"When you see an enemy on sight, destroy them with all your might!!!"

Prince Light: Fell Archer
HP: 12
DMG: 4
Bow, Dark Bow: Foe(s) with highest HP will take 5 DMG on Turn 1

First up, Prince Light takes some suffering and created a evil vessel of him! He is wielded with an Evil Bow that does some nasty work against Foe(s) with the most HP at the beginning of battle!

"I work for the darkness as an assassin, I will slay enemies for you!"

Shadow Knight: Dark Assassin
HP: 12
DMG: 5
Red Sword, Cutlass: Unit only takes 50% DMG from Ranged attacks

Up next, we have the assassin from the dark "Shadow Knight!" He is quite dangerous, range is not his weakness, he prefers to have a fair fight.

"Revenge! Trigno, one day your death will come!"

Verdies: Angry Pirate
HP: 10
DMG: 4
Blue Magic, Plasma: Inflict -4 DMG on target

Last but not least, we have the Angry Pirate himself Verdies!!! He seeks revenge against Trigno who burned his ship with magma and most of his crew are dead and a few are wounded. His Magic can lower Foe's Strength!!!

      That is all for this post, see you all later.
