New Heroes to Battle!!!!! 1/23/2018

      Welcome viewers to Arcane Fighters Update, today I am happy to announce the New Heroes arriving to the Arcane Arena. Let's check them out!

"If you oppose me, it is Treason!"
Prince Light: Prince of Light God
HP: 10
DMG: 4
Bow, Light Bow: Foe can't Counterattack

      First up, we have the Prince of Light God "Prince Light", he wields a bow that prevents enemies from countering him, unlike his sister "Light Princess" he is a Colorless Hero so most Foes can't deal bonus damage against him.

"Watch out Villain, Lightning Storm is coming!"
Electro Knight: The Storm
HP: 12
DMG: 5
Red Sword, Lightning Edge: Counterattacks Regardless

      Up next, we have Electro Knight. He has a very powerful Katana that is powered by Electricity that can create a Electric Projectile that attacks distance foes.

"If someone mess with my sister, you mess with me!"
Rogue Wave: Water Protector
HP: 10
DMG: 3
Red Sword, Falchion: This unit heals 2 HP per turn

      Here we have Rogue Wave, he is the brother of Water Princess. He will do everything he can to protect his sister and his allies.

"If you are injured, I will soft touch your pain."
Breeze: Kind Hearted
HP: 10
DMG: 4
Staff, Recovery: Heals an ally by 4 HP

      Up next, we have Breeze. She is kind and care about others who is in need of help, she will always be with you if you are wounded.

"Working with these Dark Weirdos, no way!"
Crescent: Dark Hope
HP: 10
DMG: 5
Green Magic, Shadow: Unit heals 2 HP after combat

      Here we have Crescent, she may looks like a Dark Wizard but it is a big mistake when you say some information that is false.

"Let's put these fools into Flames!"
Blaze: Flaming Master
HP: 12
DMG: 4
Red Magic, Fireball: Foe takes 2 DMG after combat

      Next up, we have Blaze who loves fire apparently. He loves to put his enemies in flames and watch them barbecue.

"When Earth Mage fought with you before, I would love to do the same."
Wolfina: Wood Chopper
HP: 12
DMG: 5
Green Axe, Jade Axe: Does +2 More DMG to Blue Foes

      Last but not least, we have the Lumberjack herself "Wolfina". She chops trees for a Wood Company, she can deal some serious damage when attacking enemies with Lances or Blue Magic.

      That that's it for this new heroes entering the arena, hope you all...... (Filter Error)

      Mystic Wizard: Did you forget about me?! I am also part of this news and you forgot about me.

      Creator: Sorry about that, I sometimes forgot about you.

      Mystic Wizard: I accept your apology, next time don't forget things.

      Creator: Understood.

      (Filter Resumes) Right, forgot about that 1 hero that will be recruit-able when you beat him in Grand Hero Battle, here are his stats:

Mystic Wizard: Neutral Mercenary
HP: 14
DMG: 4
Red Magic, Flame: Other Foes take 2 DMG after combat (Can't KO)

      I believe this Grand Hero will be tougher than the Last Grand Hero Battle with Legendary Witch, so wish yourself luck and hopefully you can beat him and he will join you and help you in Story Mode. See you all next time.
